Neuroplasticity Overcome and Create a Resilient Brain

The opportunity you have to heal your brain and keep moving forward is made possible by something called neuroplasticity—the key to building a resilient brain. We show you how to show you how to seize that opportunity in this in-depth article.
Neurofeedback Training the Brain to Calm

We introduce Neurofeedback: a tool we teach that allows you to create your resilient brain, addressing stress and anxiety, compensating for past damage that has been done, enhancing learning capacity, and even healing through the difficulties brought on by our new challenges.
Overcoming Burnout: Self-Compassion Provides the Healing Touch

Have you been feeling lately like you’re not living up to the expectations you have for yourself? Do you feel you are losing some of your former optimism? You may be on the road to burnout. In this article we help you ways to successfully managing the stress that can lead to burnout.
Leaning Into Grief and Loss to Create Healing

Grief is an experience of mourning and deep honoring. One thing I have learned through my own journey is that the experience of grief and loss has a softening effect: it is so important for us to save space, be conscientious and kind toward our feelings and ourselves as we navigate these deeply painful times.